List of Official Sports Equipment of 2015 Summer Universiade

(Universiade Sports Lab) The list of official equipment (product name) including Model, Company, Certification Number of 13  compulsory sports 8 optional for 2015 Summer Universiade is as following. However, there is possibility of minor modification of the list. In case, OC will announce the updated changes to NUSFs immediately.

equipment list1 equipment list2equipment list(basketball)

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The Planning of test-events for 2015 Summer Universiade

조정 픽토그램A the stage of 100 days away from the opening ceremony of 2015 Summer Universiade, it is necessary indeed for OC to organize relevant sporting events and check in advance if they works properly as planned.  In this context,  the Sports Division is going to manage 13 pre-games of 16 disciplines starting from the date of 27th April at the Lake Tangeum International Rowing Regatta Course for   the Nationwide Rowing competition.

And Rowing, Athletics, Swimming, Diving, Water Polo, Artistic and Rhythmic Gymnastics, Tennis, Archery, Basketball, Badminton, Shooting, Table Tennis, Taekwondo, Golf, Fencing are to be continued seamlessly  till the end of June in due time frames.

it is expected that the total of 7,700 athletes of 970 teams will participate into these test-events.  The Sports division is focusing on building the organic cooperation system between competition and non-competitions parts and checking if all parts work with clock-like precision.  The outlines of the test events are as following.

테스트 이벤트(영어1)테스트 이벤트(영어2)

Rowing Sport Programme of 2015 Summer Universiade

World Collegians’ boat racing at the Lake Tangeum International Rowing Regatta Course, Chungju City for 2015 Summer Universiade.

메달이벤트 -조정(consloidated tabe)

Rowing is a game where competitors race each other on boats using paddles. It is often referred to as boat racing or regatta. Although it looks as if the boats glide over the water easily, rowing actually requires strong teamwork and skilled stroking of the paddle, as well as great physical strength and endurance. The player completing the official course of 2,000 meters with full speed easily loses weight of 1.5 kg at one race.

England is the birth place of rowing. In the middle of 17th century, boats came into wide use as transportation at Themes River, etc. And boat races for fun took place here and there, which developed into rowing competition. In 1717, the Professional Curl competition, the first rowing race, was held and Eaton School founded the first rowing team. Rival matches between Oxford and Cambridge have been taken place since its first competition in 1829 with about 20,000 audience.

chungju rowing venue
lake Tangeum international rowing regatta course

Rowing spread into the American Continent after France, Russia and Germany and FISA (Fédération Internationale des Sociétés d’Aviron) was established in 1892. The first European Championship was held in Italy in 1893 and the year of 1962 witnessed the first World Rowing Championships. while rowing was a regular event at the first Athena Olympic Games, competition wasn’t held due to bad weather.

For Universiade, rowing was introduced at the 14th Zagreb Summer Universiade, Yugoslavia in 1987 as an optional sport event. In this 2015 Summer Universiade, 13 medal events will be held at the Lake Tangeum International Rowing Regatta Course, Chungju city: (Senior) men’s single scull, double scull, coxless pair, coxless four, eight and women’s single scull double scull coxless four. (Lightweight) men’s single scull, double scull, coxless four and women’s single scull, double scull.

< Competition outlines >

ㅇ Competition schedule : 5th – 7th July, 2015 (3 days)

ㅇ Medal event : 13 events

   –  Men’s Senior :  Single scull(M1x), Double scull(M2x), Coxless                  pair(M2-), Coxless four(M4-), Eight(M8+)

   – Men’s Lightweight : Single scull(LM1x), Double scull(LM2x),                     Coxless four(LM4-)

   – Women’s Senior – Single scull(W1x), Double scull(W2x), Coxless           four(W4-)

   – Women’s Light weight – Single scull(LW1x), Double scull(LW2x)]

ㅇ Participant (est.) : 450 participants from 36 countries (350                        Athletes 100 TOs)

ㅇ Competition Venue : Lake Tangeum International Rowing                        Regatta Course

ㅇ Facilitates :

   – length of course; over 2,150 meters

   – Width of course : over 108 meters

   – Height of starting tower : over 3.6 meter

  – Distance between lines : 12.5 – 15 meters

ㅇ Test Event : Korean Rowing Competition for 2015 Universiade             Test Event

  – 27th – 29th April, 2015 (3 days),

  – Lake Tangeum International Rowing Regatta Course

  – 580 participants from 150 teams

ㅇ Cmpetition Administrators

  – FISU TD : Lionel Girard / Eva Szanto

  – Competition Coordinator : Kim Jaeho

  – Competition Manager : Lee Chiyoung

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Universiade Updates

UNIVERSIADE individual sports

A: It is that time again to hear all about the updates on the International Multi- sporting event that is happening right here in Gwangju, the 2015 Gwangju Summer Universiade. Today, we have Saelom with us to tell us about the preparations being made for the sports that are included in 2015 Gwangju Summer Universiade.


A: So we have heard so much that 2015 Universiade is an international multi sporting event but we didn’t really get a chance to hear about what kind of sports are involved in this sports festival.

S: Yes, I agree. So here I am to give you an overview of the sports happening in 2015 Universiade! For today, I will specifically talk about the individual sports involved in 2015 Universiade.

A: Sounds great. I’m sure many will be interested in hearing about the sports happening during 2015 Universiade. Before you get started could you first tell us how many countries are expected to attend during Universiade and possible number of participants?


S: We estimate that there will be about 170 countries participating in 2015 Universiade and we are expecting to have approximately 20,000 participants (including officials).

A: Right. So please tell us what kind of sports are involved in 2015 Gwangju Universiade.

S: The official program of 2015 Gwangju Summer Universiade includes total of 21 sports which consist of 13 compulsory sports and 8 optional sports. Out of these 21 sports, 15 of them are individual sports which include Archery, Athletics, Badminton, Diving, Fencing, Golf, Gymnastics (Artistic, Rhythmic), Judo, Rowing, Shooting Sport, Swimming, Table Tennis, Taekwondo, and Tennis. From these 15 sports I mentioned, 5 of them will take place in newly constructed Universiade competition venues which are Archery, Swimming & Diving, Tennis, and Artistic & Rhythmic Gymnastics. Archery will be held at Gwangju International Archery Range, Swimming & Diving will be at Nambu University International Aquatic Center, Tennis will be held at Jinwol International Tennis Court, and last but not least we have Artistic & Rhythmic Gymnastics which will be at Gwangju Women’s University Universiade Gymnasium. As you can tell from the names of these new venues, most of them include the word ‘International’. This tells us that Universiade is not only advancing Gwangju into a sport city but also increasing the brand value of Gwangju as a global city.


A: It certainly is. So you have mentioned 15 individual sports involved in Universiade and out of these sports which do you think will have the most participants?

S: I would say that it will be the Athletics because it consists of 50 different events-25 men’s and 25 women’s events. Athletics events include track, jump, throw, road race, and combined events. We estimate that approximately 1,329 athletes will attend Athletics competition.

Swimming is also expected to have many participants because it consists of 42 different events including Freestyle, Breaststroke, Backstroke, Butterfly, Medley, Relay, and 10km Open Water. We are expecting to have 680 athletes attending Swimming competition.

A: You know, some of these swimming events you’ve just mentioned such as freestyle, breaststroke and so on, are events that we came across before but 10km Open Water is very unfamiliar. Could you tell us a little bit more about this event?

S: Sure. I’m guessing that it might be the first time for some of you hearing about Open Water Swimming and as a matter of fact open water event is being held in Korea as an international event for the first time. So let me briefly tell you what this event is and how it is going to take place during 2015 Universiade.

10km Open Water is a competition that takes place in rivers, lakes, or oceans. In previous Universiades, such as 2011 Shenzhen and 2013 Kazan, Open Water event was held in ocean and lake. In 2015 Gwangju Universiade, Open Water event will take place in Jangseong Lake on July 11th for both men and women in the 10km course. Just to help your understanding and to give you a general idea of how the competition is held, open water competition should be done in Freestyle having the swimmers start from the platform all at once and swimmers will swim counter-clockwise in the 10km course. In the recent Universiade records for Open Water, we had 1st place swimmers completing 10km course in 1hr 56 mins for men and 2 hrs 5 mins for women. So it really is a long race for the swimmers and since the swimmers will be in the water for such a long time the water temperature and the water quality is extremely important. Accordingly, to help swimmers to compete in their best conditions, Organizing Committee is trying hard to provide good environment for swimmers to compete by checking the water temperature and quality on a regular basis.


A: Other than Athletics and Swimming, which of the sports do you think will be the most popular? Perhaps attract most spectators?

S: Well generally all the individual sports I mentioned are popular sports in Korea but if I have to choose it would be Archery, Artistic Gymnastics, and Rhythmic Gymnastics. There is a special reason why I chose these three sports. It’s because these are the individual sports where we will have our honorary ambassadors who are the Olympics sports stars. For Archery we are expecting that Ki Bo Bae will participate in the games. In Artistic Gymnastics we are expecting to have Yang Hak Seon, and for Rhythmic Gymnastics Son Yeon Jae participating in the games. These three sports will be broadcasted worldwide during 2015 Universiade and it will definitely attract worldwide attentions especially having these worldly recognized athletes attending in 2015 Universiade.

A: I’m sure many will be looking forward to these sports. Then, how many days do we have until the start of 2015 Universiade sports program and what preparations are being made in order to deliver a successful event in the remaining time?


S: Well I must say that time does fly really fast because we only have 221 days left until the start of 2015 Universiade games! To deliver a successful event next year, sports departments of the organizing committee is currently working closely together with the sports coordinators/experts recommended by Korean sports federations.

Also, one of the most important preparations that we are working on right now is adjusting and confirming the appropriate number of personnel who will be working during the event for the operation of the competitions. For example, operational support staff, volunteers and etc. Other than that we are also in process of completing the competition regulations and the technical handbooks for each sport which you will be able to find on Gwangju Universiade website soon.

A: Thank you for the information. Is there anything else you want to say before we let you go?

S: I hope this helped you in getting better insight into what kind of sports are involved in 2015 Universiade and finally I just want to mention that the Organizing Committee is currently working very hard to deliver a successful and a meaningful sport festival for everyone. This is the first time hosting an international mega-sport event in Gwangju which will bring circle of different people and culture together. In order to prepare a successful event and to meet all the expectations, Organizing Committee would need great support and help from all Gwangju citizens. So to conclude, I would kindly like to ask for your encouragement and support to upcoming 2015 Gwangju Universiade. Thank you very much for listening.

A: Thank you and we wish you all the best in preparing successful 2015 Gwangju Universiade!

  • Saelom Lim  for GFN news –